Monday, 7 December 2009

Guan Yi Statue

A shelter for Guan Yin. The whole structure is simply beautiful =)

Sunday, 8 November 2009

After the rain

Accidentally caught myself in the rain,but fortunately it lasted only 15 minutes,so now you get to see how Cyberpark looks like after the rain.enjoy =)

Monday, 26 October 2009

Penang,how interesting =)

Won't write much,so just enjoy =)

Early morning...

You're free now,so like the wind =)

Ahem...who trying so hard to get in the photo ah? :P hahaha

Sunday, 12 July 2009

"Grandpa" is surprisingly good!

Just having a walk to cyberpark (didn't actually reach there though.haha)...I took everything using only my new "grandpa"...Who is he?..."He" is my new ef 100-300...Well...old actually...haha..."he" was introduced in 1990...Amazing isn't "he"?haha...Enjoy! =)

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

CLS orientation night...Amazing experience

Orientation night....turns out to be as crazy as a night club(dont worry,nothing 'dirty' yet)haha.Anyway, just enjoy =)

Hey you!!! *oh no,I have been discovered*
Follow me...point to the floor...
Now everyone dance!
Why am I standing in the center of everyone?
The greatness of ef 50 f/1.8 II and 430EX speedlite


*Thumpt thumpt....*

This ain't a song...for the broken-hearted...

...It's my life!!!...

Hey!...don't forget us backup singers!...It's my life!!!...

One more time...It's my life!!!...

*serious look*

trust me...i couldn't see this with my bare eyes,thanks to f/2.0 and ISO 1600

Wow... you go girl!!! hahaha

Flashless photo,thanks to f/2.0 and ISO 1600

We guys look good too =D
It's still all about you...gotcha ;)
Fresh bottle performers =)
Flashless photo again,thank you f/2.0 and ISO 1600