Friday, 13 February 2009

Multimedia University at last!

It took me some courage to bring my camera to campus today(those who know my gears,you know they are not cheap)Only slr body and efs 17-85mm,although I kinda regretted for not bringing my 430EX.Some boring photos and some that I like.Enjoy =)

From my previous blog,this is what you see after the gate
And here's the campus
(the blue building behind is the Faculty of Engineering)
Here's the lecture hall(BORING...)
(why didn't I bring my 430EX?sigh...)

A lecture hall with better seats =)

And 1 dept-of-field photo for fun =) (this is not ef 50mm)

Outside,here's a walkpath to...

Multimedia University's GRAND Hall

And here's a Putrajaya-number-plated-sporty-version-Beetles =)

No more photographers' section from no onwards,thanks to SOMEONE who complained about my long description :P

Anyway,DO feel free to drop a comment or 2,I will respond.Thanks =)

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